Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why I'm awake at 3:45 AM!

To be completely honest with you, I'd rather be sleeping. Unfortunately the thoughts about my job (dare I call it a career), part-time gig and school are running amok in my brain. I haven't been able to have a sound sleep in weeks! I know I should be happy I am alive, have wonderful family members and friends, a happy(& healthy) relationship and a roof over my head... I believe all that and I greatly appreciate it! However, I can't say this is the easiest thing I've ever done.

I get it, I chose this life. Work is a four letter word. And school is longer. But as much as I know this is all for the best, I'm tired. And what is so ironic is the fact that I can't sleep! My girlfriends and I all live this lifestyle. We're in our twenties, all with Bachelors degrees, two years deep in our careers. We work our 40 hours (some more) and come home at the end of the day to worry about the following: where we're headed, what we're leaving behind, the drama (god knows THAT's not going anywhere) and our bills. We work our part time jobs, head back to school for our Masters and still attempt a social life.

Now I know a mother with children at home and a fulltime job has it a lot tougher but she had to be here to get there right? So why is she telling me to relax and enjoy my twenties?? Is she suggesting I stop working hard so I can enjoy a martini and 5 inch heels on no sleep and a few Starbucks deep? Is she saying she doesn't enjoy the life she's got now? No, I don't believe that. I truly believe she means to quit complaining, strap on the heels that'll put me in orthodics someday and grab a drink with my girlfriends. God knows they'll need one after no sleep and a full day of work...